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Laser-based Measurement Technique
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Multi-Point In-Situ Profiling of Large Aspherics
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Study projects- Some collaborations.......
High Resolution X-ray Explorer (HIREX)
Bauer is participating in a study with Smithsonian Astrophysical
Observatory (SAO) to determine the feasibility of building an orbiting
telescope capable of resolving 7 km structure on the sun at X-ray
wavelengths. The baseline optical design is a 0.6 meter normal incidence
telescope with an effective focal length of 240 meters. Bauer developed an
off axis design for this telescope and defined a performance error budget.
Space Interferometer Mission (SIM)
The goals of the Space Interferometer Mission are to provide micro
arc-second astrometery (stellar position mapping) and very high resolution
synthetic aperture imaging with a single low cost space observatory. In
conjunction with Kodak and TRW Bauer has extensively modeled the
calibration and operation of this very complicated instrument. The
resulting performance model is being used to develop systems engineering
trades as the SIM hardware design progresses.